Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Text for this Sunday's sermon/conversation at The River: Psalm 78 (The Message)

"Crazy, for thinkin' that my love could hold you,
I'm crazy for tryin, and crazy for cryin
And I'm crazy for lovin' you....."

Why does God love us? I mean... really? What have I done to deserve a relationship of love with him? What have you done?

Well... speaking for myself... nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

I want to repay him (or at least give myself to him) for creating me... nurturing me... watching over me... caring for me... saving me... extending mercy to me... being patient with me... giving me a future that transcends life on earth.

But two problems: (1) I can't... and, (2) Essentially, I'm a selfish fool - a spiritual prostitute who stupidly turns my back on God as often, and as furiously, as the wind blows in Ellensburg. And you, my friend, are not likely any different!

And yet he loves me. And he loves you... in spite of some major character flaws we inherited from Adam. God loves us profoundly (and inexplicably)... and what do we do? We return that love with a level of mistrust that would border on comical... were it not so tragic. So, why is God so crazy about us? And why oh why are we so stiff-necked, short-sided and self-consumed?

The story of Israel in the desert is the story of a passionate, patient, yet jealous and sometimes wrathful God who is enormously frustrated with his chosen people's unwillingness and/or inability to simply love the One True God. Instead they continually turn to stupid, lifeless, false gods they form together with their own hands. Over and over, God became frustrated and angry at his people's faithlessness and threatened to wipe them out... then relented and extended forgiveness and grace instead. Why? Why not just wipe them out and start all over again?

He gives and gives... and we take and take. 

My conclusion: He's crazy. Crazy about us. Crazy for loving us... knowing we have no capacity to reciprocate... crazy for believing in us for no logical reason... crazy for having faith in a creature that shows no willingness to put their faith in their Creator.

Eventually, he did what any slightly insane, illogical, passionate, loving being would do... he lowered himself down and did what we couldn't raise ourselves up to do...

He gave up everything for you and me... became poor so we might become rich.

I tell you, he's crazy. Are we?