Text: John 6:25-71
"So they asked him, 'What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you?'"
That has to be one of my favorite lines in the Bible. What miraculous sign...? Are you kidding me? Hmmmm, let's see... I just walked on water last night. Not good enough for you...? Okay, yesterday I fed 5,000 people with five loaves of barley and two small fish (John 6). Have you ever done that? A bit earlier in the week, I healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda who hadn't walked a step in 38 years (chapter 5). And before that I turned 150 gallons of water into the finest wine at a wedding in Cana (chapter 2). Oh, and let's not forget the miracle I'm trying to reveal to you stubborn people right now... the fact that I am the Word of God (chapter 1) - sent from heaven - and just like the bread from heaven (manna) that sustained your forefathers in the desert - I too was sent from above to feed and nourish those who hunger for God. But unlike manna that eventually spoils... I am living Bread, and remain eternally fresh and satisfying for those who humble themselves to live by faith.
You want a miracle...? Then try this one on for size... I came to die for you. My body will be violently torn - just like a loaf of fresh bread - to give you the life of God you can't find or create on your own... no matter how hard you try. And my blood will be poured out - just like juice squirts out of a crushed grape - to become the once and for all atoning sacrifice that brings salvation to the whole world. You want a miracle... a sign and wonder that I am indeed sent from the Father...? How about the millions of private miracles that happen all over the world every day when individual lives are transformed out of darkness when they accept the gift of eternal joy that I freely offer them? How many stories have you heard or read about that prove that either (a) my disciples are weak-minded fools who begin to love their neighbor because they are manipulated by my psychological tricks... or (b) they are holistically and completely transformed from inside out by my Spirit... giving them a new identity, a new purpose, and a whole new life in Christ that embraces - and passionately leans toward - the reality of God's amazing grace?
Peter gets a lot of (well deserved) criticism for some of the crazy things he says and does in the gospel accounts... but nevertheless, Peter so beautifully represents most of us in our highly-flawed passion for Jesus, doesn't he? Case in point: When most of the crowd deserted Jesus for this "hard teaching" that sounds like cannibalism, he asks his disciples if they too want to leave. But Peter just oozes with desire for God... He responds to Jesus with this profound statement of faith: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."
Amen, Peter. Amen. May that be our statement too!
I don't believe it! This is by far the best passion filled blog on any websight around and there is NO comments????? Really???? OK, this stirred my blood, it made a tear, because the overwelming love you exzume from your words remind us all, that we could feel like that too if we got to know him, really know him, like that! Go Pastor go!!!